Beer and Cider Appreciation Group
Co-ordinator Stewart Moffatt
Click here to contact Co-ordinator
When: Various dates and times. Where: Various locations. Cost: Transportation, drinks and any food. The aim of the Group is to go somewhere different at lunchtime each month with a simple theme of beer and/or cider. Often this will just be a pub at a given time, but there will sometimes be a suggested train or bus to catch. (Normally in the West Midlands free travel area). We choose a different day of the week each month to allow any person with other commitments to join us when the day is suitable for them.
The group is open to all members and for each trip you just have to email a reply to the invitation email to secure your place. You will receive a response normally the same day to confirm a place as these are available on a first come first served basis up to the limit set for that visit.
If you would like to join the group, please send an e-mail to and you will be added to the distribution list.
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