Short Mat Bowls
Group Leader Mick Gill
When: Every Tuesday morning between 10:00 and 12:00. Where: At the Jubilee Centre behind the library. Cost: £3.00 per person, that includes tea/coffee. Short mat Bowls is a new Balsall Common u3a group. Come and have fun.
The game is played on 45 feet x 6 feet wide mat Click here for the rules.
The group will hire two mats and associated equipment from the Jubilee Hall. This will allow up to 16 players per session (two bowls per player).
Due to the popularity of the activity, we have now reached a point where we are unable to take on any new members. We have access to 2 mats so can accommodate a maximum of 16 players for a session although we sometimes go slightly above that number with the members we have playing so far.
We do not wish to discourage anyone who may be interested in playing nor to impinge on making Short Mat Bowls accessible for all but, it is with great disappointment, we feel we need to introduce a "first come, first served" waiting list with a place becoming available should any current player not wish to continue.
If you are interested in playing, please come and see us at The Jubilee Centre on a Tuesday morning or contact Mick Gill.
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