Out and About

Co-ordinator Peter Calver

Contact Co-ordinator

Page Links

When:  Various.
Where:  Various.
Cost:  See visit details below.

The Out and About group is now up and running again. Peter Calver is nominally the co-ordinator but he is equally assisted by Angela Reid, Juliet Hancox and Judy Hornigold.

The purpose of the Group is to visit local places of interest (by public transport or self drive) as well as coach excursions. This group is open to all members of the Balsall Common u3a and all activities will be advertised to the whole membership.

If you have any suggestions for visits, either local or afar, please email the Co-ordinator, or telephone 07836 230464.

Future Visits:

  • Wednesday 5th June 2024 Coach Excursion to Hampton Court Palace

    For those 53 members booked on this excursion the coach will leave from outside the Library at 08:15 am on 5th June. We will join the coach at 4:15pm for the return journey.

    Please contact Peter Calver if you need more information.

  • Wednesday 4th September 2024

    Provisional information. We are hoping for a visit to the West Midlands Police Museum and the Lock up on Wednesday 4th September. The visit is planned to start at 1:30pm and include a talk about the history of the jail, followed by refreshments and then a self-guided tour of the lock up.

    The museum is a short walk from Birmingham New St. Station at the top of Corporation St.

    Once arrangements have been formalised we will open bookings for members. The cost is expected to be £15.00 per person.


Please contact petercalver@outlook.com.

To see Photographs taken at visits